Thursday, January 30, 2020

Prewriting Strategies Essay Example for Free

Prewriting Strategies Essay 1. In academic writing, assignments may require students to present the results of their research without including their personal opinion. By avoiding first- and second- person pronouns, and writing in the third person will help one doing so. The use of first- and second- person also gives the writing an informal feel. When writing academically, the writer should always be formal. 2. a.In this movie, Jackie Cooper has the starring role and holds his own even in scenes with the legendary star Robert De Niro. In this sentence the adjective legendary describes Robert De Niro. b.In the film Cooper plays Eddie Morra, a down-on-his-luck aspiring writer. The adjective describes the writer as being aspiring. c.His girlfriend Lindy is fed up with his shiftless ways and breaks up with him. The adjective describes his ways as shiftless. d.When he takes the pill, his life becomes much clearer. The adjective describes life as clearer. e.It is not a great role and De Niro is only adequate in it. The adverb describes how De Niro acted in the role. f.It is not a great role and De Niro is only adequate in it. The adjective describes the role as not great. g.In â€Å"Limitless† the story centers totally on his character and he rises to the occasion to give the role his all. The adverb describes how the story centers on his character. h.Eddie may be riding high for a while but there is always that possibility of him falling down or being brought down. The adverb describes how Eddie is riding. Over all, the critic used the adjectives and adverbs in a very descriptive and effective way. 3. This class has already taught us that although we may have the imagination to write, we have much more to learn about proper academic writing mechanics. The most important lesson we have learned is to proofread carefully. When we first started our studies at the University of Phoenix, we were not aware of the significant difference between academic writing and casual writing. The difference between academic writing and casual writing is becoming clearer to us. The difference between the two is clearest when we receive instructor feedback. We will continue to pay closer attention to details in our writing. This is the way that we will change our focus in the future and also the way we will come closest to achieving our goals. 4. There are three key parts of a paragraph; the topic sentence or introductions, the body of the paragraph or supporting information, and the conclusion that summarizes the content of the paragraph. 5. It is important that the topic sentence and supporting points within that paragraph be directly related or else the writer’s message will be lost, and the reader will be confused. The writing will not flow smoothly, and the reader will be forced to work at trying to figure out exactly what they are reading. Unless the topic sentence and supporting paragraphs do not connect or relate, the reader will be left confused. In the end, the reader may dismiss the frustrating writing altogether. 6. An evaluation is the writer’s informed judgment about a reading. The author did a great job summarizing and tying in what they have learned from the reading. The author was able to relate to the topic by adding an experience he or she conducted to the material. One thing the author could have done better was to point out why he or she thought it was a good overview.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Decibel Portfolio Essay -- essays research papers

The intensity I of a sound wave is measured in watts per metre squared ( ). The lowest intensity that the average human ear can detect, i.e. the threshold of hearing, is denoted by , where . The loudness of sound, i.e. its intensity level , is measured in decibels (dB), where . From this function a specific relationship between and can be drawn that holds true for any increase in intensity. By knowing the value of beta ( ), the value of can be found via manipulation of the logarithmic function, and by knowing the value of beta can by found by just taking the log of and multiplying it by ten. The intensity level of ordinary conversation is 65 dB. In order to find the intensity of normal conversation on must set beta to 65 dB and to . Afterwards, via using the division property of equality one joins like terms. Once the logarithm is alone, one can apply the properties of logarithms and separate the logarithm into two logarithms. The quotient rule for logarithms is applied to this equation, , where and . By the definition of the logarithmic function, if and only if , one knows that in order to cancel out the logarithm one must exponentiate the log to ten. When one does this one must also keep in mind that equality must be kept on both sides of the equation, so the -5.5 becomes the exponent of ten. After doing this, one knows that . dB . If one wanted to find the intensity of the sound inside and automobile travelling at that has an intensity level of 75 dB one would follow the same procedure mentioned previously to find intensity. In addition to this method one can use a graphing calculator in order to make the finding of I simpler. By following the procedure one can use a Ti-82 graphing calculator to find the intensity I of a sound by knowing the intensity level b. The function used is just all the steps followed above summarized into one function.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Enter   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  ENTER By the use of the calculator, one finds the correct response in a quicker fashion than by working the problem out. However, in order to prove that the answer provided by the calculator is correct one should always work out the problem by hand. dB  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Source of Sound  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Intensity Level (dB)  ... ...even though the has changed, if the intensity level increases by ten units, then the intensity increases ten times. When me and my dog cross a busy street the noise does not seem equally loud to both of us. This because the dog has a higher threshold of hearing than me. This is explained best by the fact that the graph for the intensity level in terms of intensity for dogs is translated ten units up from the one for humans. The vertical translation signifies that for any given intensity, the intensity level is ten dB more for dogs than for humans. Knowing the relationship between intensity I and the intensity level b is very important to understanding how all beings hear. By understand the relationship, we know that the threshold of something’s hearing is what affects loudness with which it hears the sound. Furthermore, by understanding the relationship we know that the curve for the relationship will always have the same shape, but the only difference will be that for different thresholds, it will be translated along the Y-axis. Throughout this project, it was researched how to use properties of logarithms in order to assist one in finding intensity by knowing intensity level,

Monday, January 13, 2020

Economy Exam Questions Essay

1. The Prisoner’s Dilemma involves two spies who are held in separate soundproof rooms. But even if the two spies could communicate, what makes it difficult for them to achieve the cooperative solution (both not confessing)? 2. A key to analyzing subgame perfect equilibrium strategy in sequential games is 3. In making promises that are not guaranteed by third parties and in imposing penalties that are not enforced by third parties, all of the following are credibility-enhancing mechanisms except 4. The starting point of many methods for predicting equilibrium strategy in sequential games is 5. Credible promises and hostage mechanisms can support a continuous stream of cooperative exchanges except when 6. Firms that have a cover charge for their customers and charge for each item they purchase as well are exhibiting 7. Third-degree price discrimination exists whenever 8. To maximize profits, a monopolist that engages in price discrimination must allocate output in such a way as to make identical the ____ in all markets. 9. Vacation tours to Europe invariably package visits to disparate regions: cities, mountains, and the seaside. Bundling, a type of second degree price discrimination, is most profitable when 10. ____ is a new product pricing strategy which results in a high initial product price. This price is reduced over time as demand at the higher price is satisfied 11. Contracts are distinguished from tactical alliances by which of the following characteristics: 12. When someone contracts to do a task but fails to put full effort into the performance of an agreement, yet the lack of effort is not independently verifiable, this lack of effort constitutes a 13. When borrowers who do not intend to repay are able to hide their bad credit histories, a lender’s well-intentioned borrowers should 14. To accomplish its purpose a linear profit-sharing contract must 15. When retail bicycle dealers advertise and perform warranty repairs but do not deliver the personal selling message that Schwinn has designed as part of the marketing plan but cannot observe at less than prohibitive cost, the manufacturer has encountered a problem of ____. 16. The lower the barriers to entry and exit, the more nearly a market structure fits the ____ market model. 17. ____ yields the same results as the theory of perfect competition, but requires substantially fewer assumptions than the perfectly competitive model 18. ____ occurs whenever a third party receives or bears costs arising from an economic transaction in which the individual (or group) is not a direct participant. 19. The antitrust laws regulate all of the following business decisions except ____. 20. The sentiment for increased deregulation in the late 1970’s and early  1980’s has been felt most significantly in the price regulation of 21. The ____ depicts the risk-return relationship in the market for all securities: 22. If the acceptance of Project A makes it impossible to accept Project B, these projects are: 23. Capital expenditures: 24. The decision by the Municipal Transit Authority to either refurbish existing buses, buy new large buses, or to supplement the existing fleet with mini-buses is an example of: 25. Which of the following items is (are) not considered as part of the net investment calculation? 1. In the linear breakeven model, the difference between selling price per unit and variable cost per unit is referred to as: 2. Evidence from empirical studies of long-run cost-output relationships lends support to the: 3. Theoretically, in a long-run cost function: 4. In a study of banking by asset size over time, we can find which asset sizes are tending to become more prominent. The size that is becoming more predominant is presumed to be least cost. This is called: 5. A ____ total cost function implies that marginal costs ____ as output is increased. 6. In the linear breakeven model, the breakeven sales volume (in dollars) can be found by multiplying the breakeven sales volume (in units) by: 7. Long distance telephone service has become a competitive market. The average cost per call is $0.05 a minute, and it’s declining. The likely reason for the declining price for long distance service is: 8. All of the following are mechanisms which reduce the adverse selection problem except ____. 9. In the long-run, firms in a monopolistically competitive industry will 10. An â€Å"experience good† is one that: 11. The price for used cars is well below the price of new cars of the same general quality. This is an example of: 12. In the short-run for a purely competitive market, a manufacturer will stop production when: 13. Experience goods are products or services 14. Declining cost industries 15. In natural monopoly, AC continuously declines due to economies in distribution or in production, which tends to found in industries which face increasing returns to scale. If price were set equal to marginal cost, then: 16. When the cross elasticity of demand between one product and all other products is low, one is generally referring to a(n) ____ situation. 17. Regulatory agencies engage in all of the following activities except _______. 18. ____ as practiced by public utilities is designed to encourage greater usage and therefore spread the fixed costs of the utility’s plant over a larger number of units of output. 19. The practice by telephone companies of charging lower long-distance rates at night than during the day is an example of: 20. Some industries that have rigid prices. In those industries, we tend to 21. The existence of a kinked demand curve under oligopoly conditions may result in 22. Barometric price leadership exists when 23. A cartel is a situation where firms in the industry 24. Even ideal cartels tend to be unstable because 25. Some market conditions make cartels MORE likely to succeed in collusion. Which of the following will make collusion more successful?

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Evaluation Of A Student For Special Education Essay

In order for a student to be eligible for special education services, the regular education teacher discovers that there is a problem. From there, a screening must take place. The screening can consist of hearing, vision, communication, and any other type that may be needed. Permission is not needed in order to do a screening. Next, Response to Intervention begins, also known as RTI. This provides levels or tiers of increasingly intensive instruction to help students master academic content. Tier 1 takes place in a regular classroom setting. Tier 2 involves and allows the student to go out to a specialty teacher. Tier 3 mainly takes place in a special education classroom. Tier 3 requires more one-on-one instruction for the student from the teacher. RTI serves two purposes- support struggling learners and identify students with learning disabilities. Parents are invited to take part in their child’s RTI process. Other school professionals also take part during the RTI process to meet the child needs. Research Based Interventions are used during the RTI process. Data is gathered during the RTI process on a regular basis. After a few weeks, the team meets again to determine how beneficial the interventions are for the child. If RTI is working, it is continued, if RTI is not working, a meeting takes pla ce where the RTI data is presented. Then the referral process initiates. The referral process commences with an Admissions and Release Committee known as ARC. Here, the studentShow MoreRelatedEssay1706 Words   |  7 PagesSpecial Education A. The six key components are as follows: 1. Zero Reject/FAPE: This says that all children ages 6-17, no matter what their physical/mental ability, are guaranteed the right to a free public education. 2. 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